- Abbreviation
- Abeyance
- About
- Above
- Absent
- Absorb
- Absorption
- Abstract Of Account
- Acceleration
- Accept
- Acceptance
- Acceptance Clean
- Acceptor For Honour
- Access
- Accessories
- Accident
- Accommodation
- Account
- Account Blocked
- Account Book
- Account Branch Adjustment
- Account Charges
- Account Closed
- Account Closing
- Account Commission
- Account Currency
- Account Current
- Account Day
- Account Discount
- Account Govemment
- Account Head
- Account Holder
- Account Inoperative
- Account Joint
- Account Margin
- Account Minor
- Account Payee Only
- Account Profit And Loss
- Account Rupee
- Account Suit Filed
- Account Suspence
- Accumulated
- Accurate
- Accured
- Accuse
- Acknowledgement
- Across
- Act
- Acting
- Action
- Action
- Active
- Actor
- Actress
- Actual
- Add
- Additional
- Address-1
- Address-2
- Adhesive
- Adjustable Screw
- Adjustement
- Admissible
- Advance
- Advance
- Advantage
- Advertisement-1
- Advertisement-2
- Advise
- Aeroplane
- Affidavit
- Africa
- After
- Afternoon
- Again
- Age
- Agenda
- Agra
- Agree
- Agreement
- Agriculture
- Ahemedabad
- Air
- Air
- Airmail
- Airport
- Air Pollution
- Alarm System
- Alive
- All
- Allah
- Allergy
- Allotment
- Allow
- Allowance
- Alone
- Alternate Current
- Alternate Current
- Altitude
- Aluminium
- Always
- Amalgamation
- Ambulance
- Amendments
- Ammeter
- Among
- Amount
- Amount
- Ampere
- Amplitude
- Amritsar
- Andhra Pradesh
- Angel
- Angle
- Angle
- Angle Of Refraction
- Angle Of Refraction
- Angry-1
- Angry-2
- Angry-3
- Angular Velocity
- Animals
- Anklets
- Announce
- Annual
- Annual Closing
- Annual Report
- Antartica
- Anticlockwise-1
- Anticlockwise-2
- Ant-1
- Ant-2
- Any
- An Ant went to a Sugar Hill
- Apparatus
- Appear
- Apple
- Applicant
- Application
- Appointment
- Appreciation
- Approval
- April
- Area
- Area
- Area
- Argue
- Arm
- Arms And Amunitions
- Around
- Arrears
- Arrest
- Art
- Artificial
- Asia
- Ask-1
- Ask-2
- Assam
- Assembly-1
- Assembly-2
- Assets
- Assistance
- Association
- Astronomy
- At
- Atmosphere
- Atom
- Attachmant Of Property
- Attendant
- Attorney
- Attraction
- Attractive Force
- Audiologist
- Audio Frequency
- Audit
- Auditorium
- August-1
- August-2
- August-2
- Australia-1
- Australia-2
- Authorisation
- Authorised Signature
- Automatic
- Automobiles
- Autorickshaw
- Average
- Average
- Avoid
- Axe
- A Bahurupi Impersonating Siva
- A Boy Actually Fed God
- A Devotee Avoids what the World Runs after
- A Leaders Leads by Example
- Baby
- Back
- Bad Conductor
- Bad Debts
- Bad-1
- Bad-2
- Bail
- Bake
- Balance
- Balance Closing
- Balance Opening
- Balance Outstanding
- Balance Sheet
- Balcony
- Ball
- Balloon
- Banana
- Banaras
- Bandage
- Bandh
- Bangalore
- Bangladesh
- Bangles
- Banian
- Bank
- Bank Nationalised
- Barber
- Bark
- Bar Magnet
- Basketball
- Basket Of Currencies
- Bat
- Bathroom
- Bath-1
- Bath-2
- Batminton
- Battery
- Battery
- Beak
- Beaker
- Beans
- Bear
- Bearer
- Beat
- Beautiful
- Become
- Bed
- Bedroom
- Bedsheet
- Before
- Begin
- Behind
- Belcony
- Belief
- Bell-1
- Bell-2
- Below
- Belt
- Bench
- Bend
- Benefit
- Bengali
- Berth
- Between
- Beverages
- Bhangada
- Bhopal
- Bible
- Biconcave Lens
- Biconvex Lens
- Big
- Bihar
- Bill
- Bills Purchased
- Bills Receivable
- Bill Of Exchange
- Bill – Clean
- Bill – Dishonoured
- Bill – Inward
- Bill – Outward
- Bill – Overdue
- Bill – Suit Filed
- Bimetallic
- Binary
- Biomass
- Bio Energy
- Bird
- Birds, Winds, Fly
- Birth
- Birthday
- Biscuit
- Bite
- Bitter
- Black
- Black
- Black Board
- Blind
- Blood
- Blood Pressure
- Blouse
- Blow
- Blue
- Blue
- Boat
- Body
- Bogie
- Boil
- Boiling Point
- Bold
- Bolt
- Bond
- Bondage of Nature
- Bone
- Book
- Boring
- Borrow
- Borrower
- Both Friend and Foe the Saints Adore
- Bottle
- Bowl
- Boxing
- Boy
- Brain
- Branch
- Brass
- Brave
- Bread Board
- Bread (Pev)-2
- Bread-1
- Break
- Breakfast
- Breathe
- Brick
- Bridge
- Bright
- Bring
- Brinjal
- Brittle
- Brokerage
- Brother
- Brother-In-Law
- Brown
- Brown
- Brush
- Bucket
- Bud
- Buddah
- Buddha Purnima
- Budget
- Buffalo
- Bug
- Build
- Building
- Bulb
- Bulb
- Bullock Cart
- Burglar
- Bury
- Bus
- Business
- Business
- Busy
- Bus Conductor
- Bus Stand
- Butter
- Butterfly
- Buy
- Buyer
- Bye Laws
- Cabbage
- Cake
- Calculation
- Calculation
- Calculator
- Calcutta
- Call
- Call
- Call Deposit
- Call Money
- Calm
- Calorie
- Calorimeter
- Camel
- Camera
- Can
- Cancel
- Cancer
- Candle
- Cap
- Capacitor-1
- Capacitor-2
- Capacity
- Capillary Tube
- Capital
- Capital
- Car
- Carburetor
- Card
- Careful-1
- Careful-2
- Careless
- Carpenter
- Carrom
- Carrot
- Carry
- Cash
- Cash Book
- Cash Certificates
- Cash Credit
- Cash Credit Key
- Cash Receipt
- Cash Remmitance
- Cassette
- Catch
- Cat-1
- Cat-2
- Cauliflower
- Cave
- Celeprate
- Celsius
- Cement
- Center
- Centigram
- Centimeter
- Centimetre
- Centre Of Curvature
- Centrifugal
- Centripetal
- Certificate-1
- Certificate-2
- Chain Reaction
- Chair
- Chalk
- Chandigarh
- Change
- Change In State
- Change In Temperature
- Chapathi
- Chapter
- Charge
- Charge
- Charge Sheet
- Chart
- Chase
- Chat
- Cheap
- Cheat
- Chemical Energy
- Chemistry
- Chennai-1
- Chennai-2
- Cheque Crossed
- Cheque Endorsement
- Cheque Fraudulent
- Cheque Gift
- Cheque Mutilated
- Cheque Postdated
- Cheque Retumed Memo
- Cheque Stale
- Cheque Travellers
- Cheque-1
- Cheque-2
- Chess
- Chest
- Chew
- Chicken
- Chickoo
- Chief
- Chief Minister
- Children
- Chillie
- China-1
- China-2
- Chocolate
- Cholera-1
- Cholera-2
- Christian-1
- Christian-2
- Christmas-1
- Christmas-2
- Church
- Cinema
- Cinema
- Circle
- Circle
- Circuit
- Circular
- Circular Motion
- Circus
- City
- Claim
- Clap
- Classification
- Class Room
- Clean
- Clearing House
- Clerk-1
- Clerk-2
- Clever
- Client
- Climb Down
- Climb Up
- Clinic
- Clinical Thermometer
- Clock
- Clockwise
- Close
- Cloth
- Clouds
- Clown
- Coal
- Coat
- Cobbler
- Cochin
- Cock
- Cockroach
- Coconut-1
- Coconut-2
- Coded Message
- Coffee
- Coherent
- Cohesive
- Coimbatore
- Coin
- Coin
- Cold
- Cold
- Cold
- Cold Drink
- Collecting Agent
- College
- Collision
- Colour Filter
- Comb
- Come
- Comfortable
- Committee
- Common
- Communicate
- Communication
- Compact Disc
- Company
- Company Joint Stock
- Company Partnership
- Compare
- Compass
- Compass
- Compate
- Competition
- Complain
- Complaint
- Complete
- Compound Interest
- Compound Microscope
- Compression
- Compromise
- Compulsory
- Computer
- Computerisation
- Concave Lens
- Concave Mirror
- Concave-Convex Lens
- Concentrate
- Concession
- Conciliation
- Concurrent
- Condition
- Conductor
- Cone
- Cone
- Conference
- Confident
- Confidential Report
- Confirmed Member
- Conservation
- Continent
- Continue
- Contraction
- Control
- Control
- Conversion
- Convex Lens
- Convex Mirror
- Convex-Concave Lens
- Conveyance Allowance
- Cook-1
- Cook-2
- Coolie-1
- Coolie-2
- Cooperate
- Coordinate
- Copper
- Copper Wire
- Copy-1
- Copy-2
- Corn
- Corresponding Branch
- Corruption
- Cosmetics
- Cotober
- Cough
- Count
- Counter
- Country
- Courier
- Courier
- Court
- Cover-1
- Cover-2
- Cow
- Crayons
- Cream
- Created
- Credit
- Credit Purchase
- Credit Sale
- Credit Voucher
- Creeper
- Cremate
- Crest
- Cricket
- Crime
- Criticize
- Crocodile
- Cross
- Crossing
- Crossing
- Crow
- Crown
- Cry
- Cube
- Cuboid
- Cucumber
- Cunning-1
- Cunning-2
- Cup
- Cupboard
- Curds-1
- Curds-2
- Cure
- Currency Chest
- Current
- Curry
- Curtain
- Curvature
- Curved
- Custard Apple
- Custody
- Customer Service
- Cutout
- Cut-1
- Cut-2
- Cycle
- Cylinder
- Daily List
- Dam
- Dance
- Dangerous
- Dark
- Darwer
- Dasara-1
- Dasara-2
- Dasara-3
- Date-1
- Date-2
- Daughter
- Day
- Day
- Day After
- Day Before
- Day Book
- Deaf
- Debit Advice
- Debt
- Debt Doubtful
- Deceased
- December
- Decide
- Decimal
- Declaration
- Decline
- Decrease
- Decrease
- Decrease
- Deduction At Source
- Deed Of Sale
- Deer
- Default
- Defend
- Degree(O)
- Delegate
- Delete
- Delhi
- Delivery
- Demand
- Demand Draft
- Denomination
- Density
- Department
- Deposit
- Deposit Safe Custody
- Deposit Short
- Depreciation
- Depth
- Deputation
- Desert
- Designing
- Desk
- Despatch
- Destroy
- Destroy
- Develop
- Development
- Devil
- Dhobi
- Dhothi
- Diabeletes
- Diabetes
- Diaeases
- Diagonal
- Die
- Diesel
- Difference
- Difference
- Different
- Differential Rate Of Interest
- Difficult
- Diffraction
- Dig
- Dim
- Dinner
- Diode-1
- Diode-2
- Direct
- Direction
- Direct Appointment
- Direct Current
- Direct Current
- Dirty-1
- Dirty-2
- Disabled
- Disagree
- Disappear
- Disapproval
- Disbursement
- Discharge
- Discount
- Discover
- Discretionary Limit
- Discuss
- Diseases
- Disguise
- Dish
- Dish Antenna
- Dislike
- Dismissal
- Disolution
- Dispersion
- Displacement
- Distance
- Distance
- Distribute
- Distribute
- Distribution
- District
- Divide
- Dividend
- Division
- Diwali
- Do
- Doctor
- Documents
- Documents Of Title
- Dog
- Doll
- Dollar
- Donkey
- Door
- Doppler Effect
- Dosa
- Double Entry
- Double Handed
- Doubt
- Down
- Draftsmen
- Drama
- Draw
- Drawer
- Drawer
- Drawing
- Dream
- Dress
- Drink
- Drive
- Drop-1
- Drop-2
- Drown
- Drum
- Drumstick
- Dry
- Dry Cell
- Dubai
- Duck-1
- Duck-2
- Duplicate
- Duration
- Durga
- During
- Duster
- Eagle
- Earn
- Earn
- Earth
- Earth
- Earthquake
- East
- Easter-1
- Easter-2
- East-1
- East-2
- Easy
- Eat
- Eat the Mangoes
- Echo
- Eclipse
- Eclipse
- Economic
- Edge
- Education
- Egg
- Elbow
- Election
- Electrical Energy
- Electrical Tester
- Electrician
- Electric Appliances
- Electric Charge
- Electrode
- Electromagnet
- Electromagnetic Wave
- Electromotive Force
- Electron
- Electronics
- Elephant
- Eliminate
- Embroidery-1
- Embroidery-2
- Emergency
- Emission
- Emoluments
- Employment
- Empty
- Encashment
- Enclosure
- Encourage
- End Use
- Enemy
- Energetic
- Energy
- Energymeter
- Engagement
- Engine
- Engine
- England
- Engnieer
- Enjoy
- Enquiry
- Entertainment
- Envelope
- Environment
- Equal
- Equal
- Equation
- Equator
- Equator
- Eraser
- Erect
- Error Of Omission
- Escape
- Escape
- Essay
- Establishment
- Estimate
- Europe
- Evening-1
- Evening-2
- Examination-1
- Examination-2
- Examine
- Exchange
- Exchange Foreign
- Exemption
- Exercise
- Exhaust Pump
- Expansion
- Expansion
- Expenditure
- Expensive-1
- Expensive-2
- Experience
- Experiment
- Experiment
- Expert
- Expiry
- Explain
- Explain-1
- Explain-2
- Export
- Extension Counter
- External
- External Combustion Engine
- Extra
- Eye
- Face
- Face Value
- Faclory
- Facsimile Signature
- Fail
- Faith
- Faith is the Mother of Miracles
- Fake
- Fall
- False-1
- False-2
- Family
- Famous-1
- Famous-2
- Fan
- Fare
- Farm
- Farmer
- Far-1
- Far-2
- Fast
- Fat
- Father
- Father-In-Law
- Fax
- Fear
- Feather
- February
- Feed
- Feedback
- Feel-1
- Feel-2
- Feigning Madness too is Risky!
- Festivals
- Few
- Field
- Field
- Fight
- Figure
- Filament
- Filament
- File
- Fill
- Film
- Film
- Filter Pump
- Final
- Final Accounts
- Finance
- Financial Year
- Find
- Fine
- Fingers
- Finish
- Fioppy
- Fire
- First Charge
- First Floor
- Fir(First Information Report)
- Fish
- Fisher Man
- Fishing Net
- Fixed Asset
- Fixed Rate
- Flag
- Flat
- Flexible
- Float
- Flood
- Floor
- Flourescence
- Flower
- Fluctuation
- Fluid Pressure
- Flute
- Focal Length
- Folio
- Follow
- Follow – Up Action
- Food
- Fool
- Foolish
- Foot
- Foot
- Football
- Footpath
- Force
- Force
- Foreign
- Forged
- Forget
- Form
- Formula
- Form – Standard
- Fossil Fuels
- Fox
- France
- Frank
- Fraud
- Free
- Freeze
- Freezing
- Frequency
- Fresh
- Frictional Force
- Friday-1
- Friday-2
- Friday-3
- Friday-4
- Friend
- Frock
- Frog-1
- Frog-2
- From
- Fruits
- Fry
- Full Moon Day
- Full-1
- Full-2
- Fumiture
- Fund
- Funding
- Funeral
- Funny-1
- Funny-2
- Fuse
- Galaxy
- Galvanometer
- Games
- Gamma Ray
- Ganapathi-1
- Ganapathi-2
- Gardener
- Garlic
- Gas
- Gas Equation
- Gas Stove
- Gate
- Gazette
- General Ladger
- Generator
- Genuine
- Geography
- Geometry
- Geothermal Energy
- Germany
- Geyser
- Ghee
- Ghost
- Ginger
- Giraffe
- Girl
- Give
- Give the Dog a Good Beating at Times
- Glass
- Glass
- Glass Rod
- Glass Slab
- Globe
- Gloves
- Go
- Goa
- Goal
- Goat-1
- Goat-2
- God
- Gold
- Goods
- Goods Retumed
- Good-1
- Good-2
- Gossip
- Government
- Govt urged to recognise sign language
- Go Forward!
- Grain
- Gram
- Gram
- Granddaughter
- Grandfather
- Grandmother
- Grandson
- Grass
- Gravity
- Green
- Green
- Grey
- Grind
- Gross
- Groundnut
- Group
- Grow
- Growth
- Guard
- Guilty-1
- Guilty-2
- Guitar
- Gujarati
- Gujarat-1
- Gujarat-2
- Gun
- Gurunanak Jayanthi
- Guwahati
- Hair
- Half – Yearly
- Halting Allowance
- Hammer
- Hand
- Handicapped
- Handkerchief
- Hang-1
- Hang-2
- Hanuman Singh and the Wrestler from the Punjab
- Hanuman-1
- Hanuman-2
- Happy
- Harbour
- Hardworking-1
- Hardworking-2
- Hard-1
- Hard-2
- Hariyana
- Harmonium
- Harvest
- Hate-1
- Hate-2
- He
- Head
- Head Office
- Head Of Income
- Health
- Hear
- Hearing
- Hearing Aid-1
- Hearing Aid-2
- Heart
- Hear-Listen
- Heat
- Heat Engine
- Heavier
- Heavy
- Heir
- Helicopter
- Help
- Hemisphere
- Hen
- Her
- Here
- Hers
- Herself
- Hesrt
- Hexadecimal
- Hide
- High
- High Resistance
- Hill
- Him
- Himachal Pradesh
- Himself
- Hindi
- Hindu Undivided Family
- Hindu-1
- Hindu-2
- Hip
- Hippo
- Hire Charges
- Hire Qurchase
- His
- History
- Hoarding
- Hockey
- Hold
- Holder
- Hold Hard Your Spade
- Hole
- Holi
- Holiday
- Hollow
- Holy
- Home
- Honorarium
- Hop
- Hope
- Horizontal
- Horns
- Horse
- Horse Cart
- Hospital
- Hot
- Hotel
- Hot (To Feel)-1
- Hot (To Feel)-2
- Hot (To Taste)
- Hot (To Touch)
- Hour
- Hours
- Hourse
- House
- Housefly
- Housing Loan
- How
- How Big
- How Many
- How Much
- Humidity
- Hungry
- Hurt
- Husband-1
- Husband-2
- Hut
- Hyderabad
- Hydraulic Brake
- Hydraulic Lift
- Hydraulic Press
- Hydrology
- Hydro Electricity
- Hydro Energy
- Hypothecated
- I
- Ice Cream
- Idd
- Identical
- Identification
- Idli
- Illegal
- Illiterate
- Immediate
- Immiscibility
- Immovable Property
- Implementation
- Import
- Important
- Improve
- Improvement
- In
- Inauguaration
- Incentive
- Inch
- Incharge
- Income
- Income Tax
- Incompetence
- Increase
- Increase
- Increase
- Independent
- Index
- India-1
- India-2
- Indigo
- Individual
- Individual
- Indorsement
- Inductor
- Industry – Cottage
- Industry – Large Scale
- Industry – Small Scale
- Inefficient
- Inelastic
- Infinity
- Information
- Information
- Infrared Ray
- Infrasonic
- Initial
- Initial
- Initials
- Injection
- Input
- Input
- Insect
- Insects
- Inspection
- Installation
- Instalment
- Instigate
- Institute
- Instruction
- Instrument
- Instrument
- Instument – Negotiable
- Insult-1
- Insult-2
- Insurance
- Intensity
- Intensive
- Interest
- Interest Simple
- Interest – Compound
- Interest – Rate
- Interest-1
- Interest-2
- Interfere
- Interference
- Intergrated Chip
- Interim
- Intermediate
- Internal
- Internal
- Internal Combustion Engine
- Interrogation
- Interruption
- Interval
- Interview
- Inter Branch Transaction
- Introduce
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Invalid
- Invent
- Inverse
- Investment
- In Advance
- In Front Of
- In Lieu Of
- In Multiples Of
- Iron-1
- Iron-2
- Irregular
- Irregular Vibration
- Irreversible
- Irrevocable
- Island
- Isreal
- It
- Item
- Its
- Itself
- I am Discovered
- I Cannot Trade Love
- Kaleidoscope
- Kamataka
- Kangaroo
- Kannada
- Kanpur
- Karate
- Karate
- Ka Ka Ka
- Keep
- Keeper
- Kelvin
- Kerala-1
- Kerala-2
- Key
- Key
- Kick
- Kill-1
- Kill-2
- Kilogram
- Kilogram
- Kilometer
- Kind
- Kinetic Energy
- King-1
- King-2
- Kiss
- Kitchen-1
- Kitchen-2
- Kite
- Knee
- Knife
- Knit
- Know
- Knowledge
- Knowledge Working
- Known Loss
- Krishna
- Kurta-1
- Kurta-2
- Laboratary
- Labour
- Labourer
- Ladder
- Laddu
- Lady Is Finger
- Lake
- Lame
- Land
- Landlord
- Land Acquisition
- Land Cess
- Land Holding
- Land Improvement Reform
- Land Revenue
- Lapse
- Lassi
- Last Pay Cortificate (L.P.C)
- Late-1
- Late-2
- Latitude
- Laugh
- Lawyer
- Law/Rule
- Lay Off
- Lay Out
- Lazy
- Lead
- Leader
- Leaf
- Leafy Vegetables
- Leak
- Learn-1
- Learn-2
- Least Count
- Leather
- Leave
- Leave Casual (Lc)
- Leave Compensory
- Leave Duty
- Leave Earned
- Leave Extraordinary
- Leave Fare Concession (Lfc)
- Leave Medical
- Leave Preparatory To Retirement
- Leave Study
- Lecturer
- Ledger
- Ledger Balance
- Left
- Leg
- Legal
- Legally Protected
- Legal Advisor
- Legal Claim
- Lemon
- Lend
- Lens
- Leprosy
- Less
- Letter
- Letter Of Authority
- Letter Of Credit (Lc)
- Level
- Level Rate
- Lgnore
- Library
- Licence
- Lick
- Lie-1
- Lie-2
- Life Insurance (Lic)
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Lighthouse
- Lightning
- Light Year
- Like
- Lingering Hope
- Lion
- Lips
- Lipstick
- Liquid
- Liquid
- Liquid
- Liquidation
- Liquid Fuels
- Liquor
- List
- Litre
- Litre
- Little
- Lizard
- Lnaugurate
- Loan
- Loan Terminable
- Local
- Lock
- Locker
- Long
- Longitude
- Longitudinal Wave
- Loose
- Loose Leaf Binder
- Lorry-1
- Lorry-2
- Lorry-3
- Lose
- Lotus
- Loud
- Loud Speaker
- Love
- Low
- Lubrication Oil
- Lucknow
- Lucky
- Lumpsum
- Lunancy
- Lunar Eclipse
- Lunch
- L.E.D
- Machine
- Machines
- Madhya Pradesh
- Magic-1
- Magic-2
- Magic-3
- Magnet
- Magnet
- Magnetism
- Magnification
- Maharastra
- Mahavir Jayanthi
- Mail Transfer (M.T.)
- Main
- Maintenance Allowance
- Main Scale
- Major
- Majority
- Malyalam
- Man
- Management
- Mandatory
- Mango
- Manual Of Instruction
- Manufacture
- Manure
- Many
- Map
- Marathi
- March
- Margin
- Mark
- Market
- Mars
- Marth
- Mary
- Masala
- Mason
- Masquito
- Mat
- Matchbox
- Material
- Mathematical
- Mathematics
- Maturity
- Maximum
- Maximum
- May
- Me
- Measles
- Measurement
- Measure-1
- Measure-2
- Meat
- Mechanic
- Mechanics
- Medicine
- Medium Term (Mtl)
- Meet
- Melt
- Melting Point
- Memo
- Memorize
- Merchant
- Mercury
- Merger
- Merit And Demerits
- Message
- Messenger
- Metal
- Meter
- Method Of Accounting
- Metre
- Mhale
- Microwave
- Mile
- Mile
- Mili Litre
- Milk
- Milkman
- Milligram
- Millilitre
- Millimetre
- Mime
- Minimum
- Minimum
- Minister
- Minor
- Minute
- Minutes
- Mirror
- Misappropriation
- Misbehaviour
- Miscellaneous
- Miss
- Missing
- Mistake
- Mix
- Mixer-1
- Mixer-2
- Mixture
- Mobilisation Deposit
- Model
- Modification
- Mogra
- Molecular Motion
- Molecule
- Monday-1
- Monday-2
- Monday-3
- Monday-4
- Monday-5
- Monday-6
- Monetary
- Money
- Moneylender
- Money Order
- Monitoring
- Monkey
- Month
- Month
- Monthly Return
- Monthly Statement
- Month-1
- Month-2
- Moon
- Moral
- More
- Morning-1
- Morning-2
- Mortgage
- Mosque
- Mosquito
- Mother-In-Law
- Mother-1
- Mother-2
- Mother-3
- Motion
- Motor
- Mountain
- Mouth
- Movable Property
- Move
- Mud
- Mug
- Muitimeter
- Multily
- Mumbai
- Mumbs
- Mumps
- Museum
- Music
- Muslim
- Mute
- Mutual Agreement
- My
- Myself
- Mysore
- Nagpur
- Nail
- Nail Polish
- Name-1
- Name-2
- Narrow
- Nationalisation
- National Anthem
- Natural
- Natural Gas
- Natural Gaurdian
- Nature is Like Ferris Wheel
- Nature of God
- Near
- Necessary
- Neck
- Necklace
- Nect Tie
- Needle
- Need-1
- Need-2
- Negative
- Negative Error
- Negligence
- Negligible
- Negogiable Instrumemts
- Neighbour
- Nepal-1
- Nepal-2
- Neptune
- Nervous
- Nest
- Net Profit
- Neutral
- Neutron
- Never
- New
- Newspaper
- Newton
- New Moon Day
- Next
- Night-1
- Night-2
- Noise Pollution
- Nominal Value
- Nominate
- Non Legal
- Non Payment
- Non Resident (Nri)
- Non Vegetarian
- Non-Uniform Motion
- Non-Uniform Motion-1
- Noon
- North
- North
- Northern Hemisphere
- North America
- North Pole
- North Pole
- North Pole
- Nose
- Nose Stud
- Nosie
- Notary Public
- Note
- Note Book
- Notice
- Notice Board
- Notification
- Not a Drop of Water
- Not Negotiable
- November
- Now
- No Due Certificate
- No Objection Certificate (Noc)
- Nsck
- Nuclear Energy
- Nuclear Reactor
- Nucleus
- Numbers
- Number System
- Nurse-1
- Nurse-2
- Nut
- Oath
- Oath-1
- Oath-2
- Obedience
- Object
- Objection
- Observation
- Occupation
- Octal
- October
- Of
- Offence
- Office
- Officer
- Office Bearer
- Office Hours
- Official
- Official Language
- Officiating
- Off Season
- Off Shore Banking
- Often
- Ohm
- Oil
- Oil
- Old (Age)
- Old (Time)
- Olympics
- Omit
- On
- Onion
- Only
- On Demand
- On Medical Grounds
- On Probation
- Ooty
- Opaque
- Open
- Opening Balance
- Open Dated
- Operate (An A C)
- Operation
- Opinion
- Opposite
- Opposition
- Optical Fiber Cable
- Orange
- Orange
- Orange
- Orbit
- Order Standing
- Order-1
- Order-2
- Original
- Original
- Oriya
- Ornaments
- Oscillation
- Oscillator
- Osclllatory Motion
- Osmosis
- Our
- Ourselves
- Out
- Output
- Output
- Outstanding
- Outstanding Cheque
- Outstanding Report
- Out Of Date
- Out Of Print
- Over
- Overall
- Overcharge
- Overdraft (Od)
- Overdue
- Overleaf
- Overseas
- Overtime Allowance
- Over Head Projector
- Over Valuation
- Over Writing
- Owe
- Owl
- Owner Cultivated
- Packing Credit
- Page
- Paid Up Capital
- Pain
- Paint
- Paise
- Pakistan
- Pamplet
- Pan
- Pant
- Papaya
- Paper
- Pappad
- Parabola
- Parachute
- Parallel
- Parallel Circuit
- Parent
- Parental
- Parents
- Parent Branch
- Parliament
- Parrot
- Parsi
- Participation
- Particular
- Particulars
- Partly Paid
- Partner
- Partnership
- Partnership Deed
- Part Time
- Par – Above
- Par – At
- Par – Below
- Pass
- Pass
- Passing Official
- Passive Debt
- Password
- Pass Book
- Pass To
- Patience
- Patna
- Paw
- Paws
- Pay
- Payee
- Paying Slip
- Peacock
- Peak
- Peas
- Peep
- Penality
- Penal Interest
- Pencil-1
- Pencil-2
- Pendulum
- Pentode
- Pen-1
- Pen-2
- Peon
- Pepper
- Percentage
- Perfect
- Perfect
- Perfect-1
- Period
- Periscope
- Permanent
- Permanent
- Perpendicular
- Person
- Per Pro
- Peteti
- Petrol
- Photograph
- Photographic Camera
- Photographic Plate
- Physical Balance
- Physical Training
- Physics-1
- Physics-2
- Pick
- Pickle
- Picture
- Pigments
- Pig-1
- Pig-2
- Pillow-1
- Pillow-2
- Pilot
- Pink
- Pipe
- Piston
- Plan
- Plane
- Planet
- Planet
- Plane Concave Lens
- Plane Convex Lens
- Plane Mirror
- Plant
- Plasma
- Plastic
- Plate
- Play-1
- Play-2
- Plough
- Plug
- Plug Point
- Plumber
- Pluto
- Point
- Poision-1
- Poision-2
- Pole
- Pole
- Police Station
- Police-1
- Police-2
- Polish
- Pollution
- Polygon
- Pomogranate
- Pond
- Pongal
- Poor-1
- Poor-2
- Positive
- Positive Error
- Possible
- Poster
- Posting
- Postman
- Postpone
- Post Card
- Post Dated
- Post Office
- Potato
- Potentiality
- Potential Energy
- Potentiometer
- Poultry
- Pour
- Powder
- Power
- Power
- Practical
- Practise-1
- Practise-2
- Praise-1
- Praise-2
- Pray
- Precaution
- Predecessor
- Preliminary
- Premature
- Premises
- Premium
- Prescribe(Sign-1)
- Prescribe(Sign-2)
- Prescription
- Present
- President
- Press
- Pressure
- Pretend-1
- Pretend-2
- Preventive Measures
- Previous
- Pre Paid
- Price
- Priest-1
- Priest-2
- Primary
- Prime Minister
- Principal
- Printed Circuit Board
- Priority
- Prism
- Probing
- Procedure
- Proceeding
- Process
- Produce
- Product
- Profession
- Profession
- Professional
- Profit-1
- Profit-2
- Proforma
- Programme
- Progress
- Prohibit
- Project
- Projectile Motion
- Projector
- Promise
- Promise-1
- Promise-2
- Promisory Note
- Promotion
- Prompt Action
- Proof
- Propagation
- Property
- Property Landed
- Property Public
- Property Tax
- Proprietory
- Prosecution
- Prospectus
- Protest
- Proton
- Proud
- Prove
- Provident Fund (Pf)
- Provision
- Public
- Publication
- Publicity Material
- Publish
- Puja
- Pull
- Pump
- Punctual
- Pune
- Punishment
- Punjab
- Punpkin
- Puppet Show
- Purchase
- Purchase Retum
- Purchase – Hire
- Pure
- Puri
- Purpose
- Push
- Put
- Put Up
- Pyjama
- Pyramid
- Rabbit
- Race
- Raddish
- Radio
- Radio
- Radio
- Radio Wave
- Raid
- Railway Station
- Rainbow
- Rain-1
- Rain-2
- Rajasthan
- Ram
- Ramzan
- Random
- Random Motion
- Range
- Rank
- Rapidly
- Rat
- Rate
- Rate Concessional
- Rate Differential
- Ratification
- Ratio
- Ratio
- Reach
- Reaction
- Read
- Real
- Real Image
- Real Prayer is Unconditional
- Reason
- Reasonable Notice
- Rebate
- Recall
- Receipt
- Receive
- Receive
- Receiver
- Recognise
- Recognised
- Recommendation
- Reconciliation
- Reconsider
- Record
- Record
- Record
- Recover
- Recruitment
- Rectange
- Rectangle
- Rectangle
- Rectification
- Rectifier
- Recurring
- Red
- Red
- Rediation
- Reduce
- Refer To Drawer
- Refinance
- Reflection
- Reform
- Refraction
- Refractive Index
- Refresher Course
- Refrigerater
- Refrigerator
- Refrigerator
- Refund
- Refusal
- Region
- Register
- Registered
- Registered Letter
- Registrar
- Regret
- Regularisation
- Regular Vibration
- Regulation
- Reimbrusement
- Reject
- Rejoinder
- Relative-1
- Relative-2
- Release
- Relief
- Remember-1
- Remember-2
- Remind
- Reminder
- Remittance
- Remove
- Renewal
- Rent
- Repair
- Repairer
- Repay
- Reply-1
- Reply-2
- Representation
- Repulsive Force
- Repurchase
- Requirement
- Requirement
- Requisite
- Reservation
- Reservation
- Reserve Fund
- Residence
- Resignation
- Resistor
- Resistor-1
- Resolution
- Resonance
- Resources
- Respect
- Responsibility
- Responsible
- Rest
- Rest
- Restaurant
- Restore
- Restricted
- Result-1
- Result-2
- Resume
- Retail
- Retain
- Retire
- Retum Lnward
- Retum Outward
- Return
- Revalidation
- Revenue
- Reversible
- Review
- Revised
- Revolution
- Revolve
- Reward
- Re Acceptable
- Re Employment
- Re Endorsed
- Re Examine
- Re Issue
- Re Pledge
- Re Sale
- Rf Oscillator
- Rhino
- Rhinocerous
- Rhythmic
- Rice-1
- Rice-2
- Rich
- Ride
- Right
- Right
- Rigid
- Ring
- Riots
- Ripe
- Risk
- River
- Road
- Roam
- Roar
- Rock
- Rocket
- Roll
- Roof
- Room
- Rose
- Rotate
- Rotational
- Rotational Motion
- Rotten
- Rough
- Round
- Round
- Routine
- Royalty
- Rubber
- Rubber-1
- Rubber-2
- Rule
- Ruler
- Run
- Run
- Running Account
- Rural
- Rural Development
- Rural Oriented
- Rural Welfare
- Russia
- Sad
- Safe Guard
- Sailor
- Salary
- Sales Retum
- Saloon
- Salt
- Salwar Kameez
- Same
- Sample
- Sanction
- Sand
- Sandwitch
- Sari
- Satellites
- Satisfactory
- Satisfied
- Saturday-1
- Saturday-2
- Saturday-3
- Saturn
- Saw
- Scales
- Scales (Of Pay)
- Scent
- Scheduled Caste (Sc)
- Scheduled Tribe (St)
- Schematic
- School
- School Bag
- School Bus
- Scinece
- Scissors
- Scold
- Scooter
- Scope
- Screw Guage
- Scribe
- Script
- Sculpture
- Sea
- Seal
- Search
- Season
- Seat
- Second
- Secondary
- Seconds
- Sector
- Security
- Security Collateral
- Security Continuing
- Security Convertible
- Security Deposit
- See
- Seed
- Seizure
- Selection Grade
- Selective
- Self
- Selfish
- Self Balancing(Sign-1)
- Self Balancing(Sign-2)
- Self Employed
- Self Explanatory
- Self help and Self surrender
- Sell
- Semi Solid
- Semi Urban
- Send
- Seniority
- Sensitization Programme on Need for Corpus Creation in Indian Sign Language
- Sentence
- Separate
- September-1
- September-2
- Series Circuit
- Servant
- Serve
- Service
- Settle
- Severally
- Sewing Machine
- Shake
- Shappels-1
- Shappels-2
- Sharbat
- Share
- Shares Redeemable
- Share Capital
- Share Equity
- Share Holder
- Share Market
- Share Preference
- Sharpener
- Shave
- She
- Sheep
- Sheet Charge
- Shift
- Shine
- Ship
- Shipment
- Shipping Freight
- Shipping Order
- Shirt
- Shiva
- Shoe
- Shooting
- Shopkeeper
- Shop-1
- Shop-2
- Short
- Shortage
- Short Term
- Shoulder
- Shout
- Show
- Show Cause
- Shy
- Sick Unit
- Sick-1
- Sick-2
- Sight Bill
- Signal
- Signatory
- Signature
- Signs to be Official Language Soon
- Sikh-1
- Sikh-2
- Silk-1
- Silk-2
- Silver
- Simla
- Simple Microscope
- Simultaneous
- Sing
- Singapore-1
- Singapore-2
- Single Entry
- Single Handed
- Single Owner
- Sink
- Sink
- Sin of Killing Cow
- Sister
- Sister-In-Law
- Sit
- Sitar
- Site
- Six Monthly
- Size
- Size
- Sizes
- Skilled Labour
- Skin
- Skip
- Skirt
- Sky
- Sleep
- Slim
- Slip
- Slow
- Slower
- Sly
- Small
- Small Coin Depot
- Small Enterprise
- Small Farmer
- Small Pox
- Small Savings Scheme
- Smell
- Smile
- Smooth
- Snake
- Snake
- Snow
- Soap
- Social Society
- Society Co – Operative
- Society Marketing
- Socks-1
- Socks-2
- Sofa
- Sofe
- Soft
- Soiled Note
- Solar
- Solar Eclipse
- Solar Energy
- Solar System
- Soldering Flux
- Soldering Iron
- Soldering Lead
- Soldier
- Solicitor
- Solid
- Solid
- Solid Fuels
- Solve
- Some
- Sometimes
- Son
- Sorry
- Soul
- Sound
- Sound
- Source
- South
- South
- Southern Hemisphere
- South America
- South Pole
- South Pole
- South Pole
- Sow
- Space
- Spanner
- Sparrow
- Spastic
- Special
- Specific
- Specific Heat
- Specimen
- Specimen Signature
- Spectrometer
- Spectrum
- Speech Therapist
- Speed
- Spend
- Spendthrift
- Sphere
- Sphere
- Spherical Mirror
- Spider
- Spill
- Spilt
- Spiral
- Spoill
- Spoill-1
- Sponsor
- Spoon
- Sports
- Spot
- Spot And Forward
- Spot Enchange
- Spot Price
- Spring
- Square
- Square
- Squeeze
- Squrriel-1
- Squrriel-2
- Sri Lanka
- Stabilisation
- Staff
- Stage
- Stamp
- Stand
- Standard
- Standard Instructions (Si)
- Star
- Stars
- Start-1
- Start-2
- State
- Statement
- Statement Of Account
- Statement Of Liquidation
- Static Electricity
- Stationary Wave
- Stationery
- Statistics
- Status
- Stay
- Std
- Steam Engine
- Steel
- Stepdown Transformer
- Stepup Transformer
- Stick
- Stingy
- Stir
- Stitch
- Stock
- Stock Book
- Stock Closing
- Stock In Hand
- Stock Opening
- Stone
- Stop
- Stop Gap
- Storage
- Store
- Storm
- Story-1
- Story-2
- Stove
- Straight
- Straight
- Straight Forward
- Strength
- Strength is the Test
- Stretch
- Strike
- Strong
- Strong Room
- Strong (Thing)
- Stubborn
- Student
- Study
- Subject Matter
- Submission
- Subordinate
- Subscription
- Subsidy (Sign -2)
- Subsidy(Sign-1)
- Subtract
- Sub Division
- Sub Head
- Sub Lease
- Succession
- Such is the Pride Money Begets
- Sue
- Sufficient
- Sugarcane
- Sugar-1
- Sugar-2
- Sum
- Summons
- Sun
- Sun
- Sunday-1
- Sunday-2
- Sunday-3
- Sundry
- Sundry Creditors
- Sundry Debtors
- Sunflower
- Sunlight
- Sunrise
- Sunset
- Superposition
- Supersession
- Supervision
- Super – Annuation
- Supplementary
- Supply
- Surat
- Surcharge
- Surety
- Surgeon
- Surname
- Surplus
- Surprise
- Surrender
- Surrounding
- Survey
- Survivorship
- Suspect
- Suspend
- Suspend Payment
- Swallow
- Swami Vivekananda's Chicago Address in Indian Sign Language
- Sweat
- Sweater
- Sweep
- Sweetlime
- Sweets
- Sweet-1
- Sweet-2
- Swim
- Swing
- Switch
- Switch
- Symbol
- Syndication
- System
- S.I Unit
- Tabala
- Table
- Tablet
- Table Tennis
- Tail
- Tailer
- Take
- Take Home Pay
- Take Over
- Talk
- Tall
- Tally
- Taluk
- Tamil
- Tamil Nadu
- Target
- Tariff
- Tarreca
- Task Force
- Task Wage
- Taste
- Tax
- Taxable
- Taxi
- Tax Exemption
- Tax Profession
- Tax Property
- Tea
- Teach
- Teacher
- Tear
- Tear Sheet
- Tease
- Technology
- Teeth
- Telegram
- Telephone
- Telephone
- Telescope
- Television
- Television
- Telgu
- Tell
- Teller
- Temperature
- Temperature
- Temple
- Temporary
- Tenancy
- Tender
- Tennis
- Terminate
- Terms Of Service
- Term Of Office
- Term Technical
- Terrace
- Territorial
- Testament
- Testify
- Thank You
- Thank You
- That
- That Divine Yearning
- Their
- Them
- Themselves
- Then
- Then, What's the Way
- There
- There is Need for Everything
- Thermal
- Thermal Energy
- Thermometer
- Thermometer
- Thermostat
- These
- They
- The Best offering to God is Love
- The Doubting Soul Perishes
- The Grass eating Tiger
- The Greatest Birth
- The Old China Man
- The Pandit who could not Swim
- The Peacock that Tasted Opium
- The Power of Faith
- The Root of All Troubles
- The Salt Doll
- Thick
- Thief and a Non killer
- Thief-1
- Thief-2
- Thigh
- Thin
- Things
- Think
- Third Party
- Thirsty
- This
- Thorn
- Those
- Thread
- Three Friends and the Tiger
- Thriff
- Throat
- Through
- Throw
- Thumb Impression
- Thunder
- Thursday-1
- Thursday-2
- Thursday-3
- Thursday-4
- Thursday-5
- Thus saw Arjuna
- Ticket
- Ticket Checker
- Tidal Energy
- Tie
- Tiffin Box
- Tiger
- Tight
- Tight Money Market
- Tiller
- Time
- Time Bound
- Time Bound -1
- Time Limit
- Tired
- Title
- To
- Toast
- Today
- Toes
- Toilet-1
- Toilet-2
- Tomato
- Tomorrow
- Tongs
- Tongue
- Tonic
- Tools
- Toothbrush
- Toothpaste
- Top Management
- Torch
- Tortoise-1
- Tortoise-2
- Total
- Total Energy
- Touch
- Tour
- Towards
- Towel
- Town
- Track
- Trade
- Trade
- Trade Discount
- Train
- Training
- Train-2
- Transaction
- Transcription
- Transfer
- Transfer
- Transformation Of Energy
- Transformer
- Transistor
- Translation Of Motion
- Transparent
- Transport
- Transport
- Transverse Wave
- Travel
- Travel
- Treasury
- Tree
- Trial Balance
- Triangle
- Triangle
- Tribal
- Tribunal
- Triode
- Trivendrum
- Trophy
- Trouble-1
- Trouble-2
- Troughs
- True
- True Copy
- Trunk
- Trunk
- Trust
- Trust
- Trustee
- Trustworthiness
- Trust Deed
- Try
- Tubelight
- Tuberculosis
- Tuesday-1
- Tuesday-2
- Tuesday-3
- Tum Over
- Tunning Fork
- Turkey
- Turn
- Turnout
- Tuseday-2
- Tuseday-3
- Tusks
- Twins
- Two Birds
- Typist
- Typwriter
- Ugly
- Ultrasonic
- Ultraviolet Ray
- Umbrella
- Unanimous
- Unauthorised
- Unavoidable
- Unbalance
- Uncalled
- Uncertainity
- Unclaimed
- Unconditional
- Uncovered
- Uncumbered
- Under
- Understand-1
- Understand-2
- Undertaking
- Underwriter
- Under Consideration
- Under Developed
- Under Mentioned
- Under Review
- Under Subscirbed
- Under Valuation
- Undivided
- Unearned
- Unemployment
- Unfit
- Uniform
- Uniform Motion
- Unifrom
- Union
- Unit
- Unit
- United States Of America
- Universe
- University
- Unjapi
- Unlawful
- Unlimited
- Unlucky
- Unpaid
- Unregistered
- Until
- Up
- Upper Age Limit
- Upward
- Uranus
- Urdu
- Urgent
- Us
- Uttar Pradesh
- Vacancy
- Vacation
- Vaccum
- Vada
- Vadodara
- Valid
- Valley
- Valuable Consideration
- Van
- Vapour
- Varanasi
- Variable
- Variable
- Variety
- Vault
- Vault Safe Deposit
- Vegetables
- Vegetarian
- Vehicles
- Velocity
- Vendee
- Vendor
- Venus
- Verdict
- Verification
- Verification
- Vernier Caliper
- Versus
- Vertical
- Vessel
- Vibgyor
- Vibration
- Vide
- Video Camera
- Video Camera
- Video Cassette Recorder
- Vigilance
- Village
- Violet
- Virtual Image
- Visa
- Visible Ray
- Vision
- Visit
- Visitor
- Visual Aid
- Vital
- Volcano
- Volcano
- Volley Ball
- Volt
- Voltmeter
- Volume
- Voluntarily
- Vomit
- Vote
- Vote of Thanks
- Voucher
- Wage
- Waist
- Waiting List
- Wait-1
- Wait-2
- Waive
- Walk
- Want-1
- Want-2
- Warehouse
- Warm
- Warn
- Warning
- Wash
- Washbasin
- Wastage
- Waste
- Watch
- Water
- Water
- Waterfall
- Watermelon
- Water Bottle
- Water Pollution
- Watt
- Wattmeter
- Wave
- Wavegraph
- Wavemotion
- Waves
- Wave Length
- Wax
- Way
- We
- Weak-1
- Weak-2
- Wealth
- Wear
- Weaver
- Wedding-1
- Wedding-2
- Wedding-3
- Wednesday-1
- Wednesday-2
- Wednesday-3
- Weekly Return
- Week-1
- Week-2
- Weigh
- Weight
- Weight
- Welcome
- Welder
- West
- West Bengal
- West Indies-1
- West Indies-2
- West-1
- West-2
- Wet
- We are like Silkworms
- Whale
- What
- What Time
- What You are after is within Yourself
- Wheat-1
- Wheat-2
- When
- When All Teeth Fall
- When God Laughs
- Where
- Where
- Which
- Whistle
- White
- White
- White Collar Job
- Who
- Who
- Wholesale
- Whose
- Who Serves the Lord the Best
- Why
- Why We Disagree
- Wide
- Wife-1
- Wife-2
- Will
- Win
- Wind
- Wind
- Winding Up
- Window
- Window Dressing
- Wind Energy
- Wipe
- Wire
- Wire
- Wish
- With
- Withdrawal Slip
- Withhold
- Without
- Without Prejudice
- Witness
- Wolf
- Woman
- Wood-1
- Wood-2
- Wool
- Word
- Words And Figures – In
- Work
- Work
- Working Capital
- Working Hours
- World
- World – Wide
- Worry
- Worth
- Wound
- Wrestling
- Writ
- Write
- Written Down Value
- Wrong