Welcome to Indian Sign Language Portal
Indiansignlanguage.org offers a huge collection of Indian Sign Language (ISL) signs. Each sign has an image, running video and threaded discussions. It is an ideal resource to use while you learn/teach Indian Sign Language. Each sign has an image, running video and threaded discussions. We are continually adding more signs and designing new services to empower the Deaf.
Please share your ideas and comments and help us make this service better.
Please share your ideas and comments and help us make this service better.
- Abbreviation
- Abeyance
- About
- Above
- Absent
- Absorb
- Absorption
- Abstract Of Account
- Acceleration
- Accept
- Acceptance
- Acceptance Clean
- Acceptor For Honour
- Access
- Accessories
- Accident
- Accommodation
- Account
- Account Blocked
- Account Book
- Account Branch Adjustment
- Account Charges
- Account Closed
- Account Closing
- Account Commission
- Account Currency
- Account Current
- Account Day
- Account Discount
- Account Govemment
- Account Head
- Account Holder
- Account Inoperative
- Account Joint
- Account Margin
- Account Minor
- Account Payee Only
- Account Profit And Loss
- Account Rupee
- Account Suit Filed
- Account Suspence
- Accumulated
- Accurate
- Accured
- Accuse
- Acknowledgement
- Across
- Act
- Acting
- Action
- Action
- Active
- Actor
- Actress
- Actual
- Add
- Additional
- Address-1
- Address-2
- Adhesive
- Adjustable Screw
- Adjustement
- Admissible
- Advance
- Advance
- Advantage
- Advertisement-1
- Advertisement-2
- Advise
- Aeroplane
- Affidavit
- Africa
- After
- Afternoon
- Again
- Age
- Agenda
- Agra
- Agree
- Agreement
- Agriculture
- Ahemedabad
- Air
- Air
- Airmail
- Airport
- Air Pollution
- Alarm System
- Alive
- All
- Allah
- Allergy
- Allotment
- Allow
- Allowance
- Alone
- Alternate Current
- Alternate Current
- Altitude
- Aluminium
- Always
- Amalgamation
- Ambulance
- Amendments
- Ammeter
- Among
- Amount
- Amount
- Ampere
- Amplitude
- Amritsar
- Andhra Pradesh
- Angel
- Angle
- Angle
- Angle Of Refraction
- Angle Of Refraction
- Angry-1
- Angry-2
- Angry-3
- Angular Velocity
- Animals
- Anklets
- Announce
- Annual
- Annual Closing
- Annual Report
- Antartica
- Anticlockwise-1
- Anticlockwise-2
- Ant-1
- Ant-2
- Any
- An Ant went to a Sugar Hill
- Apparatus
- Appear
- Apple
- Applicant
- Application
- Appointment
- Appreciation
- Approval
- April
- Area
- Area
- Area
- Argue
- Arm
- Arms And Amunitions
- Around
- Arrears
- Arrest
- Art
- Artificial
- Asia
- Ask-1
- Ask-2
- Assam
- Assembly-1
- Assembly-2
- Assets
- Assistance
- Association
- Astronomy
- At
- Atmosphere
- Atom
- Attachmant Of Property
- Attendant
- Attorney
- Attraction
- Attractive Force
- Audiologist
- Audio Frequency
- Audit
- Auditorium
- August-1
- August-2
- August-2
- Australia-1
- Australia-2
- Authorisation
- Authorised Signature
- Automatic
- Automobiles
- Autorickshaw
- Average
- Average
- Avoid
- Axe
- A Bahurupi Impersonating Siva
- A Boy Actually Fed God
- A Devotee Avoids what the World Runs after
- A Leaders Leads by Example
- Baby
- Back
- Bad Conductor
- Bad Debts
- Bad-1
- Bad-2
- Bail
- Bake
- Balance
- Balance Closing
- Balance Opening
- Balance Outstanding
- Balance Sheet
- Balcony
- Ball
- Balloon
- Banana
- Banaras
- Bandage
- Bandh
- Bangalore
- Bangladesh
- Bangles
- Banian
- Bank
- Bank Nationalised
- Barber
- Bark
- Bar Magnet
- Basketball
- Basket Of Currencies
- Bat
- Bathroom
- Bath-1
- Bath-2
- Batminton
- Battery
- Battery
- Beak
- Beaker
- Beans
- Bear
- Bearer
- Beat
- Beautiful
- Become
- Bed
- Bedroom
- Bedsheet
- Before
- Begin
- Behind
- Belcony
- Belief
- Bell-1
- Bell-2
- Below
- Belt
- Bench
- Bend
- Benefit
- Bengali
- Berth
- Between
- Beverages
- Bhangada
- Bhopal
- Bible
- Biconcave Lens
- Biconvex Lens
- Big
- Bihar
- Bill
- Bills Purchased
- Bills Receivable
- Bill Of Exchange
- Bill – Clean
- Bill – Dishonoured
- Bill – Inward
- Bill – Outward
- Bill – Overdue
- Bill – Suit Filed
- Bimetallic
- Binary
- Biomass
- Bio Energy
- Bird
- Birds, Winds, Fly
- Birth
- Birthday
- Biscuit
- Bite
- Bitter
- Black
- Black
- Black Board
- Blind
- Blood
- Blood Pressure
- Blouse
- Blow
- Blue
- Blue
- Boat
- Body
- Bogie
- Boil
- Boiling Point
- Bold
- Bolt
- Bond
- Bondage of Nature
- Bone
- Book
- Boring
- Borrow
- Borrower
- Both Friend and Foe the Saints Adore
- Bottle
- Bowl
- Boxing
- Boy
- Brain
- Branch
- Brass
- Brave
- Bread Board
- Bread (Pev)-2
- Bread-1
- Break
- Breakfast
- Breathe
- Brick
- Bridge
- Bright
- Bring
- Brinjal
- Brittle
- Brokerage
- Brother
- Brother-In-Law
- Brown
- Brown
- Brush
- Bucket
- Bud
- Buddah
- Buddha Purnima
- Budget
- Buffalo
- Bug
- Build
- Building
- Bulb
- Bulb
- Bullock Cart
- Burglar
- Bury
- Bus
- Business
- Business
- Busy
- Bus Conductor
- Bus Stand
- Butter
- Butterfly
- Buy
- Buyer
- Bye Laws
- Cabbage
- Cake
- Calculation
- Calculation
- Calculator
- Calcutta
- Call
- Call
- Call Deposit
- Call Money
- Calm
- Calorie
- Calorimeter
- Camel
- Camera
- Can
- Cancel
- Cancer
- Candle
- Cap
- Capacitor-1
- Capacitor-2
- Capacity
- Capillary Tube
- Capital
- Capital
- Car
- Carburetor
- Card
- Careful-1
- Careful-2
- Careless
- Carpenter
- Carrom
- Carrot
- Carry
- Cash
- Cash Book
- Cash Certificates
- Cash Credit
- Cash Credit Key
- Cash Receipt
- Cash Remmitance
- Cassette
- Catch
- Cat-1
- Cat-2
- Cauliflower
- Cave
- Celeprate
- Celsius
- Cement
- Center
- Centigram
- Centimeter
- Centimetre
- Centre Of Curvature
- Centrifugal
- Centripetal
- Certificate-1
- Certificate-2
- Chain Reaction
- Chair
- Chalk
- Chandigarh
- Change
- Change In State
- Change In Temperature
- Chapathi
- Chapter
- Charge
- Charge
- Charge Sheet
- Chart
- Chase
- Chat
- Cheap
- Cheat
- Chemical Energy
- Chemistry
- Chennai-1
- Chennai-2
- Cheque Crossed
- Cheque Endorsement
- Cheque Fraudulent
- Cheque Gift
- Cheque Mutilated
- Cheque Postdated
- Cheque Retumed Memo
- Cheque Stale
- Cheque Travellers
- Cheque-1
- Cheque-2
- Chess
- Chest
- Chew
- Chicken
- Chickoo
- Chief
- Chief Minister
- Children
- Chillie
- China-1
- China-2
- Chocolate
- Cholera-1
- Cholera-2
- Christian-1
- Christian-2
- Christmas-1
- Christmas-2
- Church
- Cinema
- Cinema
- Circle
- Circle
- Circuit
- Circular
- Circular Motion
- Circus
- City
- Claim
- Clap
- Classification
- Class Room
- Clean
- Clearing House
- Clerk-1
- Clerk-2
- Clever
- Client
- Climb Down
- Climb Up
- Clinic
- Clinical Thermometer
- Clock
- Clockwise
- Close
- Cloth
- Clouds
- Clown
- Coal
- Coat
- Cobbler
- Cochin
- Cock
- Cockroach
- Coconut-1
- Coconut-2
- Coded Message
- Coffee
- Coherent
- Cohesive
- Coimbatore
- Coin
- Coin
- Cold
- Cold
- Cold
- Cold Drink
- Collecting Agent
- College
- Collision
- Colour Filter
- Comb
- Come
- Comfortable
- Committee
- Common
- Communicate
- Communication
- Compact Disc
- Company
- Company Joint Stock
- Company Partnership
- Compare
- Compass
- Compass
- Compate
- Competition
- Complain
- Complaint
- Complete
- Compound Interest
- Compound Microscope
- Compression
- Compromise
- Compulsory
- Computer
- Computerisation
- Concave Lens
- Concave Mirror
- Concave-Convex Lens
- Concentrate
- Concession
- Conciliation
- Concurrent
- Condition
- Conductor
- Cone
- Cone
- Conference
- Confident
- Confidential Report
- Confirmed Member
- Conservation
- Continent
- Continue
- Contraction
- Control
- Control
- Conversion
- Convex Lens
- Convex Mirror
- Convex-Concave Lens
- Conveyance Allowance
- Cook-1
- Cook-2
- Coolie-1
- Coolie-2
- Cooperate
- Coordinate
- Copper
- Copper Wire
- Copy-1
- Copy-2
- Corn
- Corresponding Branch
- Corruption
- Cosmetics
- Cotober
- Cough
- Count
- Counter
- Country
- Courier
- Courier
- Court
- Cover-1
- Cover-2
- Cow
- Crayons
- Cream
- Created
- Credit
- Credit Purchase
- Credit Sale
- Credit Voucher
- Creeper
- Cremate
- Crest
- Cricket
- Crime
- Criticize
- Crocodile
- Cross
- Crossing
- Crossing
- Crow
- Crown
- Cry
- Cube
- Cuboid
- Cucumber
- Cunning-1
- Cunning-2
- Cup
- Cupboard
- Curds-1
- Curds-2
- Cure
- Currency Chest
- Current
- Curry
- Curtain
- Curvature
- Curved
- Custard Apple
- Custody
- Customer Service
- Cutout
- Cut-1
- Cut-2
- Cycle
- Cylinder
- Daily List
- Dam
- Dance
- Dangerous
- Dark
- Darwer
- Dasara-1
- Dasara-2
- Dasara-3
- Date-1
- Date-2
- Daughter
- Day
- Day
- Day After
- Day Before
- Day Book
- Deaf
- Debit Advice
- Debt
- Debt Doubtful
- Deceased
- December
- Decide
- Decimal
- Declaration
- Decline
- Decrease
- Decrease
- Decrease
- Deduction At Source
- Deed Of Sale
- Deer
- Default
- Defend
- Degree(O)
- Delegate
- Delete
- Delhi
- Delivery
- Demand
- Demand Draft
- Denomination
- Density
- Department
- Deposit
- Deposit Safe Custody
- Deposit Short
- Depreciation
- Depth
- Deputation
- Desert
- Designing
- Desk
- Despatch
- Destroy
- Destroy
- Develop
- Development
- Devil
- Dhobi
- Dhothi
- Diabeletes
- Diabetes
- Diaeases
- Diagonal
- Die
- Diesel
- Difference
- Difference
- Different
- Differential Rate Of Interest
- Difficult
- Diffraction
- Dig
- Dim
- Dinner
- Diode-1
- Diode-2
- Direct
- Direction
- Direct Appointment
- Direct Current
- Direct Current
- Dirty-1
- Dirty-2
- Disabled
- Disagree
- Disappear
- Disapproval
- Disbursement
- Discharge
- Discount
- Discover
- Discretionary Limit
- Discuss
- Diseases
- Disguise
- Dish
- Dish Antenna
- Dislike
- Dismissal
- Disolution
- Dispersion
- Displacement
- Distance
- Distance
- Distribute
- Distribute
- Distribution
- District
- Divide
- Dividend
- Division
- Diwali
- Do
- Doctor
- Documents
- Documents Of Title
- Dog
- Doll
- Dollar
- Donkey
- Door
- Doppler Effect
- Dosa
- Double Entry
- Double Handed
- Doubt
- Down
- Draftsmen
- Drama
- Draw
- Drawer
- Drawer
- Drawing
- Dream
- Dress
- Drink
- Drive
- Drop-1
- Drop-2
- Drown
- Drum
- Drumstick
- Dry
- Dry Cell
- Dubai
- Duck-1
- Duck-2
- Duplicate
- Duration
- Durga
- During
- Duster
- Eagle
- Earn
- Earn
- Earth
- Earth
- Earthquake
- East
- Easter-1
- Easter-2
- East-1
- East-2
- Easy
- Eat
- Eat the Mangoes
- Echo
- Eclipse
- Eclipse
- Economic
- Edge
- Education
- Egg
- Elbow
- Election
- Electrical Energy
- Electrical Tester
- Electrician
- Electric Appliances
- Electric Charge
- Electrode
- Electromagnet
- Electromagnetic Wave
- Electromotive Force
- Electron
- Electronics
- Elephant
- Eliminate
- Embroidery-1
- Embroidery-2
- Emergency
- Emission
- Emoluments
- Employment
- Empty
- Encashment
- Enclosure
- Encourage
- End Use
- Enemy
- Energetic
- Energy
- Energymeter
- Engagement
- Engine
- Engine
- England
- Engnieer
- Enjoy
- Enquiry
- Entertainment
- Envelope
- Environment
- Equal
- Equal
- Equation
- Equator
- Equator
- Eraser
- Erect
- Error Of Omission
- Escape
- Escape
- Essay
- Establishment
- Estimate
- Europe
- Evening-1
- Evening-2
- Examination-1
- Examination-2
- Examine
- Exchange
- Exchange Foreign
- Exemption
- Exercise
- Exhaust Pump
- Expansion
- Expansion
- Expenditure
- Expensive-1
- Expensive-2
- Experience
- Experiment
- Experiment
- Expert
- Expiry
- Explain
- Explain-1
- Explain-2
- Export
- Extension Counter
- External
- External Combustion Engine
- Extra
- Eye
- Face
- Face Value
- Faclory
- Facsimile Signature
- Fail
- Faith
- Faith is the Mother of Miracles
- Fake
- Fall
- False-1
- False-2
- Family
- Famous-1
- Famous-2
- Fan
- Fare
- Farm
- Farmer
- Far-1
- Far-2
- Fast
- Fat
- Father
- Father-In-Law
- Fax
- Fear
- Feather
- February
- Feed
- Feedback
- Feel-1
- Feel-2
- Feigning Madness too is Risky!
- Festivals
- Few
- Field
- Field
- Fight
- Figure
- Filament
- Filament
- File
- Fill
- Film
- Film
- Filter Pump
- Final
- Final Accounts
- Finance
- Financial Year
- Find
- Fine
- Fingers
- Finish
- Fioppy
- Fire
- First Charge
- First Floor
- Fir(First Information Report)
- Fish
- Fisher Man
- Fishing Net
- Fixed Asset
- Fixed Rate
- Flag
- Flat
- Flexible
- Float
- Flood
- Floor
- Flourescence
- Flower
- Fluctuation
- Fluid Pressure
- Flute
- Focal Length
- Folio
- Follow
- Follow – Up Action
- Food
- Fool
- Foolish
- Foot
- Foot
- Football
- Footpath
- Force
- Force
- Foreign
- Forged
- Forget
- Form
- Formula
- Form – Standard
- Fossil Fuels
- Fox
- France
- Frank
- Fraud
- Free
- Freeze
- Freezing
- Frequency
- Fresh
- Frictional Force
- Friday-1
- Friday-2
- Friday-3
- Friday-4
- Friend
- Frock
- Frog-1
- Frog-2
- From
- Fruits
- Fry
- Full Moon Day
- Full-1
- Full-2
- Fumiture
- Fund
- Funding
- Funeral
- Funny-1
- Funny-2
- Fuse
- Galaxy
- Galvanometer
- Games
- Gamma Ray
- Ganapathi-1
- Ganapathi-2
- Gardener
- Garlic
- Gas
- Gas Equation
- Gas Stove
- Gate
- Gazette
- General Ladger
- Generator
- Genuine
- Geography
- Geometry
- Geothermal Energy
- Germany
- Geyser
- Ghee
- Ghost
- Ginger
- Giraffe
- Girl
- Give
- Give the Dog a Good Beating at Times
- Glass
- Glass
- Glass Rod
- Glass Slab
- Globe
- Gloves
- Go
- Goa
- Goal
- Goat-1
- Goat-2
- God
- Gold
- Goods
- Goods Retumed
- Good-1
- Good-2
- Gossip
- Government
- Govt urged to recognise sign language
- Go Forward!
- Grain
- Gram
- Gram
- Granddaughter
- Grandfather
- Grandmother
- Grandson
- Grass
- Gravity
- Green
- Green
- Grey
- Grind
- Gross
- Groundnut
- Group
- Grow
- Growth
- Guard
- Guilty-1
- Guilty-2
- Guitar
- Gujarati
- Gujarat-1
- Gujarat-2
- Gun
- Gurunanak Jayanthi
- Guwahati
- Hair
- Half – Yearly
- Halting Allowance
- Hammer
- Hand
- Handicapped
- Handkerchief
- Hang-1
- Hang-2
- Hanuman Singh and the Wrestler from the Punjab
- Hanuman-1
- Hanuman-2
- Happy
- Harbour
- Hardworking-1
- Hardworking-2
- Hard-1
- Hard-2
- Hariyana
- Harmonium
- Harvest
- Hate-1
- Hate-2
- He
- Head
- Head Office
- Head Of Income
- Health
- Hear
- Hearing
- Hearing Aid-1
- Hearing Aid-2
- Heart
- Hear-Listen
- Heat
- Heat Engine
- Heavier
- Heavy
- Heir
- Helicopter
- Help
- Hemisphere
- Hen
- Her
- Here
- Hers
- Herself
- Hesrt
- Hexadecimal
- Hide
- High
- High Resistance
- Hill
- Him
- Himachal Pradesh
- Himself
- Hindi
- Hindu Undivided Family
- Hindu-1
- Hindu-2
- Hip
- Hippo
- Hire Charges
- Hire Qurchase
- His
- History
- Hoarding
- Hockey
- Hold
- Holder
- Hold Hard Your Spade
- Hole
- Holi
- Holiday
- Hollow
- Holy
- Home
- Honorarium
- Hop
- Hope
- Horizontal
- Horns
- Horse
- Horse Cart
- Hospital
- Hot
- Hotel
- Hot (To Feel)-1
- Hot (To Feel)-2
- Hot (To Taste)
- Hot (To Touch)
- Hour
- Hours
- Hourse
- House
- Housefly
- Housing Loan
- How
- How Big
- How Many
- How Much
- Humidity
- Hungry
- Hurt
- Husband-1
- Husband-2
- Hut
- Hyderabad
- Hydraulic Brake
- Hydraulic Lift
- Hydraulic Press
- Hydrology
- Hydro Electricity
- Hydro Energy
- Hypothecated
- I
- Ice Cream
- Idd
- Identical
- Identification
- Idli
- Illegal
- Illiterate
- Immediate
- Immiscibility
- Immovable Property
- Implementation
- Import
- Important
- Improve
- Improvement
- In
- Inauguaration
- Incentive
- Inch
- Incharge
- Income
- Income Tax
- Incompetence
- Increase
- Increase
- Increase
- Independent
- Index
- India-1
- India-2
- Indigo
- Individual
- Individual
- Indorsement
- Inductor
- Industry – Cottage
- Industry – Large Scale
- Industry – Small Scale
- Inefficient
- Inelastic
- Infinity
- Information
- Information
- Infrared Ray
- Infrasonic
- Initial
- Initial
- Initials
- Injection
- Input
- Input
- Insect
- Insects
- Inspection
- Installation
- Instalment
- Instigate
- Institute
- Instruction
- Instrument
- Instrument
- Instument – Negotiable
- Insult-1
- Insult-2
- Insurance
- Intensity
- Intensive
- Interest
- Interest Simple
- Interest – Compound
- Interest – Rate
- Interest-1
- Interest-2
- Interfere
- Interference
- Intergrated Chip
- Interim
- Intermediate
- Internal
- Internal
- Internal Combustion Engine
- Interrogation
- Interruption
- Interval
- Interview
- Inter Branch Transaction
- Introduce
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Invalid
- Invent
- Inverse
- Investment
- In Advance
- In Front Of
- In Lieu Of
- In Multiples Of
- Iron-1
- Iron-2
- Irregular
- Irregular Vibration
- Irreversible
- Irrevocable
- Island
- Isreal
- It
- Item
- Its
- Itself
- I am Discovered
- I Cannot Trade Love
- Kaleidoscope
- Kamataka
- Kangaroo
- Kannada
- Kanpur
- Karate
- Karate
- Ka Ka Ka
- Keep
- Keeper
- Kelvin
- Kerala-1
- Kerala-2
- Key
- Key
- Kick
- Kill-1
- Kill-2
- Kilogram
- Kilogram
- Kilometer
- Kind
- Kinetic Energy
- King-1
- King-2
- Kiss
- Kitchen-1
- Kitchen-2
- Kite
- Knee
- Knife
- Knit
- Know
- Knowledge
- Knowledge Working
- Known Loss
- Krishna
- Kurta-1
- Kurta-2
- Laboratary
- Labour
- Labourer
- Ladder
- Laddu
- Lady Is Finger
- Lake
- Lame
- Land
- Landlord
- Land Acquisition
- Land Cess
- Land Holding
- Land Improvement Reform
- Land Revenue
- Lapse
- Lassi
- Last Pay Cortificate (L.P.C)
- Late-1
- Late-2
- Latitude
- Laugh
- Lawyer
- Law/Rule
- Lay Off
- Lay Out
- Lazy
- Lead
- Leader
- Leaf
- Leafy Vegetables
- Leak
- Learn-1
- Learn-2
- Least Count
- Leather
- Leave
- Leave Casual (Lc)
- Leave Compensory
- Leave Duty
- Leave Earned
- Leave Extraordinary
- Leave Fare Concession (Lfc)
- Leave Medical
- Leave Preparatory To Retirement
- Leave Study
- Lecturer
- Ledger
- Ledger Balance
- Left
- Leg
- Legal
- Legally Protected
- Legal Advisor
- Legal Claim
- Lemon
- Lend
- Lens
- Leprosy
- Less
- Letter
- Letter Of Authority
- Letter Of Credit (Lc)
- Level
- Level Rate
- Lgnore
- Library
- Licence
- Lick
- Lie-1
- Lie-2
- Life Insurance (Lic)
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Light
- Lighthouse
- Lightning
- Light Year
- Like
- Lingering Hope
- Lion
- Lips
- Lipstick
- Liquid
- Liquid
- Liquid
- Liquidation
- Liquid Fuels
- Liquor
- List
- Litre
- Litre
- Little
- Lizard
- Lnaugurate
- Loan
- Loan Terminable
- Local
- Lock
- Locker
- Long
- Longitude
- Longitudinal Wave
- Loose
- Loose Leaf Binder
- Lorry-1
- Lorry-2
- Lorry-3
- Lose
- Lotus
- Loud
- Loud Speaker
- Love
- Low
- Lubrication Oil
- Lucknow
- Lucky
- Lumpsum
- Lunancy
- Lunar Eclipse
- Lunch
- L.E.D
- Machine
- Machines
- Madhya Pradesh
- Magic-1
- Magic-2
- Magic-3
- Magnet
- Magnet
- Magnetism
- Magnification
- Maharastra
- Mahavir Jayanthi
- Mail Transfer (M.T.)
- Main
- Maintenance Allowance
- Main Scale
- Major
- Majority
- Malyalam
- Man
- Management
- Mandatory
- Mango
- Manual Of Instruction
- Manufacture
- Manure
- Many
- Map
- Marathi
- March
- Margin
- Mark
- Market
- Mars
- Marth
- Mary
- Masala
- Mason
- Masquito
- Mat
- Matchbox
- Material
- Mathematical
- Mathematics
- Maturity
- Maximum
- Maximum
- May
- Me
- Measles
- Measurement
- Measure-1
- Measure-2
- Meat
- Mechanic
- Mechanics
- Medicine
- Medium Term (Mtl)
- Meet
- Melt
- Melting Point
- Memo
- Memorize
- Merchant
- Mercury
- Merger
- Merit And Demerits
- Message
- Messenger
- Metal
- Meter
- Method Of Accounting
- Metre
- Mhale
- Microwave
- Mile
- Mile
- Mili Litre
- Milk
- Milkman
- Milligram
- Millilitre
- Millimetre
- Mime
- Minimum
- Minimum
- Minister
- Minor
- Minute
- Minutes
- Mirror
- Misappropriation
- Misbehaviour
- Miscellaneous
- Miss
- Missing
- Mistake
- Mix
- Mixer-1
- Mixer-2
- Mixture
- Mobilisation Deposit
- Model
- Modification
- Mogra
- Molecular Motion
- Molecule
- Monday-1
- Monday-2
- Monday-3
- Monday-4
- Monday-5
- Monday-6
- Monetary
- Money
- Moneylender
- Money Order
- Monitoring
- Monkey
- Month
- Month
- Monthly Return
- Monthly Statement
- Month-1
- Month-2
- Moon
- Moral
- More
- Morning-1
- Morning-2
- Mortgage
- Mosque
- Mosquito
- Mother-In-Law
- Mother-1
- Mother-2
- Mother-3
- Motion
- Motor
- Mountain
- Mouth
- Movable Property
- Move
- Mud
- Mug
- Muitimeter
- Multily
- Mumbai
- Mumbs
- Mumps
- Museum
- Music
- Muslim
- Mute
- Mutual Agreement
- My
- Myself
- Mysore
- Nagpur
- Nail
- Nail Polish
- Name-1
- Name-2
- Narrow
- Nationalisation
- National Anthem
- Natural
- Natural Gas
- Natural Gaurdian
- Nature is Like Ferris Wheel
- Nature of God
- Near
- Necessary
- Neck
- Necklace
- Nect Tie
- Needle
- Need-1
- Need-2
- Negative
- Negative Error
- Negligence
- Negligible
- Negogiable Instrumemts
- Neighbour
- Nepal-1
- Nepal-2
- Neptune
- Nervous
- Nest
- Net Profit
- Neutral
- Neutron
- Never
- New
- Newspaper
- Newton
- New Moon Day
- Next
- Night-1
- Night-2
- Noise Pollution
- Nominal Value
- Nominate
- Non Legal
- Non Payment
- Non Resident (Nri)
- Non Vegetarian
- Non-Uniform Motion
- Non-Uniform Motion-1
- Noon
- North
- North
- Northern Hemisphere
- North America
- North Pole
- North Pole
- North Pole
- Nose
- Nose Stud
- Nosie
- Notary Public
- Note
- Note Book
- Notice
- Notice Board
- Notification
- Not a Drop of Water
- Not Negotiable
- November
- Now
- No Due Certificate
- No Objection Certificate (Noc)
- Nsck
- Nuclear Energy
- Nuclear Reactor
- Nucleus
- Numbers
- Number System
- Nurse-1
- Nurse-2
- Nut
- Oath
- Oath-1
- Oath-2
- Obedience
- Object
- Objection
- Observation
- Occupation
- Octal
- October
- Of
- Offence
- Office
- Officer
- Office Bearer
- Office Hours
- Official
- Official Language
- Officiating
- Off Season
- Off Shore Banking
- Often
- Ohm
- Oil
- Oil
- Old (Age)
- Old (Time)
- Olympics
- Omit
- On
- Onion
- Only
- On Demand
- On Medical Grounds
- On Probation
- Ooty
- Opaque
- Open
- Opening Balance
- Open Dated
- Operate (An A C)
- Operation
- Opinion
- Opposite
- Opposition
- Optical Fiber Cable
- Orange
- Orange
- Orange
- Orbit
- Order Standing
- Order-1
- Order-2
- Original
- Original
- Oriya
- Ornaments
- Oscillation
- Oscillator
- Osclllatory Motion
- Osmosis
- Our
- Ourselves
- Out
- Output
- Output
- Outstanding
- Outstanding Cheque
- Outstanding Report
- Out Of Date
- Out Of Print
- Over
- Overall
- Overcharge
- Overdraft (Od)
- Overdue
- Overleaf
- Overseas
- Overtime Allowance
- Over Head Projector
- Over Valuation
- Over Writing
- Owe
- Owl
- Owner Cultivated
- Packing Credit
- Page
- Paid Up Capital
- Pain
- Paint
- Paise
- Pakistan
- Pamplet
- Pan
- Pant
- Papaya
- Paper
- Pappad
- Parabola
- Parachute
- Parallel
- Parallel Circuit
- Parent
- Parental
- Parents
- Parent Branch
- Parliament
- Parrot
- Parsi
- Participation
- Particular
- Particulars
- Partly Paid
- Partner
- Partnership
- Partnership Deed
- Part Time
- Par – Above
- Par – At
- Par – Below
- Pass
- Pass
- Passing Official
- Passive Debt
- Password
- Pass Book
- Pass To
- Patience
- Patna
- Paw
- Paws
- Pay
- Payee
- Paying Slip
- Peacock
- Peak
- Peas
- Peep
- Penality
- Penal Interest
- Pencil-1
- Pencil-2
- Pendulum
- Pentode
- Pen-1
- Pen-2
- Peon
- Pepper
- Percentage
- Perfect
- Perfect
- Perfect-1
- Period
- Periscope
- Permanent
- Permanent
- Perpendicular
- Person
- Per Pro
- Peteti
- Petrol
- Photograph
- Photographic Camera
- Photographic Plate
- Physical Balance
- Physical Training
- Physics-1
- Physics-2
- Pick
- Pickle
- Picture
- Pigments
- Pig-1
- Pig-2
- Pillow-1
- Pillow-2
- Pilot
- Pink
- Pipe
- Piston
- Plan
- Plane
- Planet
- Planet
- Plane Concave Lens
- Plane Convex Lens
- Plane Mirror
- Plant
- Plasma
- Plastic
- Plate
- Play-1
- Play-2
- Plough
- Plug
- Plug Point
- Plumber
- Pluto
- Point
- Poision-1
- Poision-2
- Pole
- Pole
- Police Station
- Police-1
- Police-2
- Polish
- Pollution
- Polygon
- Pomogranate
- Pond
- Pongal
- Poor-1
- Poor-2
- Positive
- Positive Error
- Possible
- Poster
- Posting
- Postman
- Postpone
- Post Card
- Post Dated
- Post Office
- Potato
- Potentiality
- Potential Energy
- Potentiometer
- Poultry
- Pour
- Powder
- Power
- Power
- Practical
- Practise-1
- Practise-2
- Praise-1
- Praise-2
- Pray
- Precaution
- Predecessor
- Preliminary
- Premature
- Premises
- Premium
- Prescribe(Sign-1)
- Prescribe(Sign-2)
- Prescription
- Present
- President
- Press
- Pressure
- Pretend-1
- Pretend-2
- Preventive Measures
- Previous
- Pre Paid
- Price
- Priest-1
- Priest-2
- Primary
- Prime Minister
- Principal
- Printed Circuit Board
- Priority
- Prism
- Probing
- Procedure
- Proceeding
- Process
- Produce
- Product
- Profession
- Profession
- Professional
- Profit-1
- Profit-2
- Proforma
- Programme
- Progress
- Prohibit
- Project
- Projectile Motion
- Projector
- Promise
- Promise-1
- Promise-2
- Promisory Note
- Promotion
- Prompt Action
- Proof
- Propagation
- Property
- Property Landed
- Property Public
- Property Tax
- Proprietory
- Prosecution
- Prospectus
- Protest
- Proton
- Proud
- Prove
- Provident Fund (Pf)
- Provision
- Public
- Publication
- Publicity Material
- Publish
- Puja
- Pull
- Pump
- Punctual
- Pune
- Punishment
- Punjab
- Punpkin
- Puppet Show
- Purchase
- Purchase Retum
- Purchase – Hire
- Pure
- Puri
- Purpose
- Push
- Put
- Put Up
- Pyjama
- Pyramid
- Rabbit
- Race
- Raddish
- Radio
- Radio
- Radio
- Radio Wave
- Raid
- Railway Station
- Rainbow
- Rain-1
- Rain-2
- Rajasthan
- Ram
- Ramzan
- Random
- Random Motion
- Range
- Rank
- Rapidly
- Rat
- Rate
- Rate Concessional
- Rate Differential
- Ratification
- Ratio
- Ratio
- Reach
- Reaction
- Read
- Real
- Real Image
- Real Prayer is Unconditional
- Reason
- Reasonable Notice
- Rebate
- Recall
- Receipt
- Receive
- Receive
- Receiver
- Recognise
- Recognised
- Recommendation
- Reconciliation
- Reconsider
- Record
- Record
- Record
- Recover
- Recruitment
- Rectange
- Rectangle
- Rectangle
- Rectification
- Rectifier
- Recurring
- Red
- Red
- Rediation
- Reduce
- Refer To Drawer
- Refinance
- Reflection
- Reform
- Refraction
- Refractive Index
- Refresher Course
- Refrigerater
- Refrigerator
- Refrigerator
- Refund
- Refusal
- Region
- Register
- Registered
- Registered Letter
- Registrar
- Regret
- Regularisation
- Regular Vibration
- Regulation
- Reimbrusement
- Reject
- Rejoinder
- Relative-1
- Relative-2
- Release
- Relief
- Remember-1
- Remember-2
- Remind
- Reminder
- Remittance
- Remove
- Renewal
- Rent
- Repair
- Repairer
- Repay
- Reply-1
- Reply-2
- Representation
- Repulsive Force
- Repurchase
- Requirement
- Requirement
- Requisite
- Reservation
- Reservation
- Reserve Fund
- Residence
- Resignation
- Resistor
- Resistor-1
- Resolution
- Resonance
- Resources
- Respect
- Responsibility
- Responsible
- Rest
- Rest
- Restaurant
- Restore
- Restricted
- Result-1
- Result-2
- Resume
- Retail
- Retain
- Retire
- Retum Lnward
- Retum Outward
- Return
- Revalidation
- Revenue
- Reversible
- Review
- Revised
- Revolution
- Revolve
- Reward
- Re Acceptable
- Re Employment
- Re Endorsed
- Re Examine
- Re Issue
- Re Pledge
- Re Sale
- Rf Oscillator
- Rhino
- Rhinocerous
- Rhythmic
- Rice-1
- Rice-2
- Rich
- Ride
- Right
- Right
- Rigid
- Ring
- Riots
- Ripe
- Risk
- River
- Road
- Roam
- Roar
- Rock
- Rocket
- Roll
- Roof
- Room
- Rose
- Rotate
- Rotational
- Rotational Motion
- Rotten
- Rough
- Round
- Round
- Routine
- Royalty
- Rubber
- Rubber-1
- Rubber-2
- Rule
- Ruler
- Run
- Run
- Running Account
- Rural
- Rural Development
- Rural Oriented
- Rural Welfare
- Russia
- Sad
- Safe Guard
- Sailor
- Salary
- Sales Retum
- Saloon
- Salt
- Salwar Kameez
- Same
- Sample
- Sanction
- Sand
- Sandwitch
- Sari
- Satellites
- Satisfactory
- Satisfied
- Saturday-1
- Saturday-2
- Saturday-3
- Saturn
- Saw
- Scales
- Scales (Of Pay)
- Scent
- Scheduled Caste (Sc)
- Scheduled Tribe (St)
- Schematic
- School
- School Bag
- School Bus
- Scinece
- Scissors
- Scold
- Scooter
- Scope
- Screw Guage
- Scribe
- Script
- Sculpture
- Sea
- Seal
- Search
- Season
- Seat
- Second
- Secondary
- Seconds
- Sector
- Security
- Security Collateral
- Security Continuing
- Security Convertible
- Security Deposit
- See
- Seed
- Seizure
- Selection Grade
- Selective
- Self
- Selfish
- Self Balancing(Sign-1)
- Self Balancing(Sign-2)
- Self Employed
- Self Explanatory
- Self help and Self surrender
- Sell
- Semi Solid
- Semi Urban
- Send
- Seniority
- Sensitization Programme on Need for Corpus Creation in Indian Sign Language
- Sentence
- Separate
- September-1
- September-2
- Series Circuit
- Servant
- Serve
- Service
- Settle
- Severally
- Sewing Machine
- Shake
- Shappels-1
- Shappels-2
- Sharbat
- Share
- Shares Redeemable
- Share Capital
- Share Equity
- Share Holder
- Share Market
- Share Preference
- Sharpener
- Shave
- She
- Sheep
- Sheet Charge
- Shift
- Shine
- Ship
- Shipment
- Shipping Freight
- Shipping Order
- Shirt
- Shiva
- Shoe
- Shooting
- Shopkeeper
- Shop-1
- Shop-2
- Short
- Shortage
- Short Term
- Shoulder
- Shout
- Show
- Show Cause
- Shy
- Sick Unit
- Sick-1
- Sick-2
- Sight Bill
- Signal
- Signatory
- Signature
- Signs to be Official Language Soon
- Sikh-1
- Sikh-2
- Silk-1
- Silk-2
- Silver
- Simla
- Simple Microscope
- Simultaneous
- Sing
- Singapore-1
- Singapore-2
- Single Entry
- Single Handed
- Single Owner
- Sink
- Sink
- Sin of Killing Cow
- Sister
- Sister-In-Law
- Sit
- Sitar
- Site
- Six Monthly
- Size
- Size
- Sizes
- Skilled Labour
- Skin
- Skip
- Skirt
- Sky
- Sleep
- Slim
- Slip
- Slow
- Slower
- Sly
- Small
- Small Coin Depot
- Small Enterprise
- Small Farmer
- Small Pox
- Small Savings Scheme
- Smell
- Smile
- Smooth
- Snake
- Snake
- Snow
- Soap
- Social Society
- Society Co – Operative
- Society Marketing
- Socks-1
- Socks-2
- Sofa
- Sofe
- Soft
- Soiled Note
- Solar
- Solar Eclipse
- Solar Energy
- Solar System
- Soldering Flux
- Soldering Iron
- Soldering Lead
- Soldier
- Solicitor
- Solid
- Solid
- Solid Fuels
- Solve
- Some
- Sometimes
- Son
- Sorry
- Soul
- Sound
- Sound
- Source
- South
- South
- Southern Hemisphere
- South America
- South Pole
- South Pole
- South Pole
- Sow
- Space
- Spanner
- Sparrow
- Spastic
- Special
- Specific
- Specific Heat
- Specimen
- Specimen Signature
- Spectrometer
- Spectrum
- Speech Therapist
- Speed
- Spend
- Spendthrift
- Sphere
- Sphere
- Spherical Mirror
- Spider
- Spill
- Spilt
- Spiral
- Spoill
- Spoill-1
- Sponsor
- Spoon
- Sports
- Spot
- Spot And Forward
- Spot Enchange
- Spot Price
- Spring
- Square
- Square
- Squeeze
- Squrriel-1
- Squrriel-2
- Sri Lanka
- Stabilisation
- Staff
- Stage
- Stamp
- Stand
- Standard
- Standard Instructions (Si)
- Star
- Stars
- Start-1
- Start-2
- State
- Statement
- Statement Of Account
- Statement Of Liquidation
- Static Electricity
- Stationary Wave
- Stationery
- Statistics
- Status
- Stay
- Std
- Steam Engine
- Steel
- Stepdown Transformer
- Stepup Transformer
- Stick
- Stingy
- Stir
- Stitch
- Stock
- Stock Book
- Stock Closing
- Stock In Hand
- Stock Opening
- Stone
- Stop
- Stop Gap
- Storage
- Store
- Storm
- Story-1
- Story-2
- Stove
- Straight
- Straight
- Straight Forward
- Strength
- Strength is the Test
- Stretch
- Strike
- Strong
- Strong Room
- Strong (Thing)
- Stubborn
- Student
- Study
- Subject Matter
- Submission
- Subordinate
- Subscription
- Subsidy (Sign -2)
- Subsidy(Sign-1)
- Subtract
- Sub Division
- Sub Head
- Sub Lease
- Succession
- Such is the Pride Money Begets
- Sue
- Sufficient
- Sugarcane
- Sugar-1
- Sugar-2
- Sum
- Summons
- Sun
- Sun
- Sunday-1
- Sunday-2
- Sunday-3
- Sundry
- Sundry Creditors
- Sundry Debtors
- Sunflower
- Sunlight
- Sunrise
- Sunset
- Superposition
- Supersession
- Supervision
- Super – Annuation
- Supplementary
- Supply
- Surat
- Surcharge
- Surety
- Surgeon
- Surname
- Surplus
- Surprise
- Surrender
- Surrounding
- Survey
- Survivorship
- Suspect
- Suspend
- Suspend Payment
- Swallow
- Swami Vivekananda's Chicago Address in Indian Sign Language
- Sweat
- Sweater
- Sweep
- Sweetlime
- Sweets
- Sweet-1
- Sweet-2
- Swim
- Swing
- Switch
- Switch
- Symbol
- Syndication
- System
- S.I Unit
- Tabala
- Table
- Tablet
- Table Tennis
- Tail
- Tailer
- Take
- Take Home Pay
- Take Over
- Talk
- Tall
- Tally
- Taluk
- Tamil
- Tamil Nadu
- Target
- Tariff
- Tarreca
- Task Force
- Task Wage
- Taste
- Tax
- Taxable
- Taxi
- Tax Exemption
- Tax Profession
- Tax Property
- Tea
- Teach
- Teacher
- Tear
- Tear Sheet
- Tease
- Technology
- Teeth
- Telegram
- Telephone
- Telephone
- Telescope
- Television
- Television
- Telgu
- Tell
- Teller
- Temperature
- Temperature
- Temple
- Temporary
- Tenancy
- Tender
- Tennis
- Terminate
- Terms Of Service
- Term Of Office
- Term Technical
- Terrace
- Territorial
- Testament
- Testify
- Thank You
- Thank You
- That
- That Divine Yearning
- Their
- Them
- Themselves
- Then
- Then, What's the Way
- There
- There is Need for Everything
- Thermal
- Thermal Energy
- Thermometer
- Thermometer
- Thermostat
- These
- They
- The Best offering to God is Love
- The Doubting Soul Perishes
- The Grass eating Tiger
- The Greatest Birth
- The Old China Man
- The Pandit who could not Swim
- The Peacock that Tasted Opium
- The Power of Faith
- The Root of All Troubles
- The Salt Doll
- Thick
- Thief and a Non killer
- Thief-1
- Thief-2
- Thigh
- Thin
- Things
- Think
- Third Party
- Thirsty
- This
- Thorn
- Those
- Thread
- Three Friends and the Tiger
- Thriff
- Throat
- Through
- Throw
- Thumb Impression
- Thunder
- Thursday-1
- Thursday-2
- Thursday-3
- Thursday-4
- Thursday-5
- Thus saw Arjuna
- Ticket
- Ticket Checker
- Tidal Energy
- Tie
- Tiffin Box
- Tiger
- Tight
- Tight Money Market
- Tiller
- Time
- Time Bound
- Time Bound -1
- Time Limit
- Tired
- Title
- To
- Toast
- Today
- Toes
- Toilet-1
- Toilet-2
- Tomato
- Tomorrow
- Tongs
- Tongue
- Tonic
- Tools
- Toothbrush
- Toothpaste
- Top Management
- Torch
- Tortoise-1
- Tortoise-2
- Total
- Total Energy
- Touch
- Tour
- Towards
- Towel
- Town
- Track
- Trade
- Trade
- Trade Discount
- Train
- Training
- Train-2
- Transaction
- Transcription
- Transfer
- Transfer
- Transformation Of Energy
- Transformer
- Transistor
- Translation Of Motion
- Transparent
- Transport
- Transport
- Transverse Wave
- Travel
- Travel
- Treasury
- Tree
- Trial Balance
- Triangle
- Triangle
- Tribal
- Tribunal
- Triode
- Trivendrum
- Trophy
- Trouble-1
- Trouble-2
- Troughs
- True
- True Copy
- Trunk
- Trunk
- Trust
- Trust
- Trustee
- Trustworthiness
- Trust Deed
- Try
- Tubelight
- Tuberculosis
- Tuesday-1
- Tuesday-2
- Tuesday-3
- Tum Over
- Tunning Fork
- Turkey
- Turn
- Turnout
- Tuseday-2
- Tuseday-3
- Tusks
- Twins
- Two Birds
- Typist
- Typwriter
- Ugly
- Ultrasonic
- Ultraviolet Ray
- Umbrella
- Unanimous
- Unauthorised
- Unavoidable
- Unbalance
- Uncalled
- Uncertainity
- Unclaimed
- Unconditional
- Uncovered
- Uncumbered
- Under
- Understand-1
- Understand-2
- Undertaking
- Underwriter
- Under Consideration
- Under Developed
- Under Mentioned
- Under Review
- Under Subscirbed
- Under Valuation
- Undivided
- Unearned
- Unemployment
- Unfit
- Uniform
- Uniform Motion
- Unifrom
- Union
- Unit
- Unit
- United States Of America
- Universe
- University
- Unjapi
- Unlawful
- Unlimited
- Unlucky
- Unpaid
- Unregistered
- Until
- Up
- Upper Age Limit
- Upward
- Uranus
- Urdu
- Urgent
- Us
- Uttar Pradesh
- Vacancy
- Vacation
- Vaccum
- Vada
- Vadodara
- Valid
- Valley
- Valuable Consideration
- Van
- Vapour
- Varanasi
- Variable
- Variable
- Variety
- Vault
- Vault Safe Deposit
- Vegetables
- Vegetarian
- Vehicles
- Velocity
- Vendee
- Vendor
- Venus
- Verdict
- Verification
- Verification
- Vernier Caliper
- Versus
- Vertical
- Vessel
- Vibgyor
- Vibration
- Vide
- Video Camera
- Video Camera
- Video Cassette Recorder
- Vigilance
- Village
- Violet
- Virtual Image
- Visa
- Visible Ray
- Vision
- Visit
- Visitor
- Visual Aid
- Vital
- Volcano
- Volcano
- Volley Ball
- Volt
- Voltmeter
- Volume
- Voluntarily
- Vomit
- Vote
- Vote of Thanks
- Voucher
- Wage
- Waist
- Waiting List
- Wait-1
- Wait-2
- Waive
- Walk
- Want-1
- Want-2
- Warehouse
- Warm
- Warn
- Warning
- Wash
- Washbasin
- Wastage
- Waste
- Watch
- Water
- Water
- Waterfall
- Watermelon
- Water Bottle
- Water Pollution
- Watt
- Wattmeter
- Wave
- Wavegraph
- Wavemotion
- Waves
- Wave Length
- Wax
- Way
- We
- Weak-1
- Weak-2
- Wealth
- Wear
- Weaver
- Wedding-1
- Wedding-2
- Wedding-3
- Wednesday-1
- Wednesday-2
- Wednesday-3
- Weekly Return
- Week-1
- Week-2
- Weigh
- Weight
- Weight
- Welcome
- Welder
- West
- West Bengal
- West Indies-1
- West Indies-2
- West-1
- West-2
- Wet
- We are like Silkworms
- Whale
- What
- What Time
- What You are after is within Yourself
- Wheat-1
- Wheat-2
- When
- When All Teeth Fall
- When God Laughs
- Where
- Where
- Which
- Whistle
- White
- White
- White Collar Job
- Who
- Who
- Wholesale
- Whose
- Who Serves the Lord the Best
- Why
- Why We Disagree
- Wide
- Wife-1
- Wife-2
- Will
- Win
- Wind
- Wind
- Winding Up
- Window
- Window Dressing
- Wind Energy
- Wipe
- Wire
- Wire
- Wish
- With
- Withdrawal Slip
- Withhold
- Without
- Without Prejudice
- Witness
- Wolf
- Woman
- Wood-1
- Wood-2
- Wool
- Word
- Words And Figures – In
- Work
- Work
- Working Capital
- Working Hours
- World
- World – Wide
- Worry
- Worth
- Wound
- Wrestling
- Writ
- Write
- Written Down Value
- Wrong
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